Monday, June 04, 2007

Gut Push

I watched a good part of the Cubs game on Saturday with my 4-year old son. Watching baseball is rare these days, due to soccer, basketball, T-ball, softball, general playtime outside and lots of other weekend activities. I'm a lifelong Cubs fan, and my son announced that he likes all the teams that I like. Cool. We also built a dragster with K'Nex during the game.

We watched the Pinella tirade at 3rd base, when he got booted. My son thought that these antics were very odd, but entertaining. "Daddy, why is he kicking his own hat?"

Today, they announced that Pinella was suspended indefinitely. Commentators and Pinella himself said that there was no contact with the ump. But there was -- I'll bet it will come out that the "contact" was Pinella's giant gut pushing against the ump!!

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