When I opened the table, Ziigmund had around $800,000 on the table, and everyone else was somewhere around $30K to $50K. Then I watched him run it up this --

Someone in the chat said he reloaded several times to $250K total, so his win at this point is around $1.3 million. I had two thoughts as I watched this:
My $30 SNGs seem to incredibly insignificant.
This gives me hope.
I've always subscribed to the view that if someone else can do it, then I can do it, too. But would I really have the balls to plunk down $250K at one table to run it up like this? Maybe, if I had this type of bankroll. But i dunno.
meh, apparently he goes off for big numbers all the time. the game is built around him, from what i can tell at 2p2.
so don't take it to heart too much or wish for that ;)
oops, jojo here logged in as the wife, i guess.
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