Saturday, January 20, 2007

Try this trick

I can't believe this actually worked.

Home game in my basement, about 3 weeks before Christmas. Everyone is in great spirits, which made everything fun even when people were losing. All 8 players are still in the tournament. I have a monster stack thanks to solid play and a few lucky breaks here and there.

I raise UTG. Friend to my immediate left calls, as does button. Flop is Kh-7h-3s. I bet about half the pot. Player on my left calls, button folds.

Turn is (Kh-7h-3s)-9h. Other player in the hand has a shortish stack. To draw attention to the play that I'm about to try, I say, "Is it legal to show my cards now?" I know the answer. Everyone kind of says, "Um, yeah, I guess."

I flip the Ah face up and announce that I'm all in.

Oohs and aahs at this odd move. Other player in the hand looks like he has a tough decision, so I know that he has a K. Another player at the table says exactly what I'm hoping for: "Why would he do that unless he's bluffing?"

Victim ponders, with assistance from the others at the table. The consensus is that I'm clearly bluffing. "OK, I call."

I flip over the 6h for the nut flush. Victim groans and rebuys. More oohs and aahs.

Fun stuff.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog Speakeasy. I'd be happy to trade links with you if you like. - Chipper